Everything I buy is vintage and smells funny. Maybe that's why I don't have a boyfriend.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

start everyday with a smile and get it over with:)

So I have school tom!Oh i'm so excited (NOT)! Its not that i dont like school.the truth is i do. I just hate the work! If ya get what i mean. I have finals coming up soon and i really need to start studying. But i'm really excited for summer! I'm gonna get a job! I can't wait. Time to get out in the real world and experiance life! I'm thinking about getting a job at a clothing store. I absolutly love fashion!  

So i just recieved a text from my friend and she said that the two people she does not like are not coming back next yr. I immed. knew knew who those two are. They are fake and two-faced and i'm glad they are not coming back! It just made my world a better place:) well i really should be off to do leftover homework i put off till the last minute.

over and out~ Vintage Chick